Intelligent Emission Measurement System Is Backing Up the Goals of Sustainable Development

The environmental permits of production facilities define measurement obligations regarding emissions such as smoke and exhaust gases and regarding monitoring. Borealis’ environmental permit decision defined the obligations to analyze the flue gases of continuous operation for the process furnaces of certain production processes of the company, and the procurement of emission measurement systems began to be prepared in 2020. The company had not previously used similar emission measurement systems for process furnaces, so they wanted to thoroughly prepare for the implementation of the project.

“We opened the tendering for this entity and asked offers from several suppliers. After negotiations we ended up choosing Kontram. Their comprehensive know-how, advanced gas analyzers and especially their professional technical maintenance and high-quality maintenance services were essential factors in the decisionmaking. We also had positive experiences previously with them”, tells Project Manager Kirsi Linnavuori from Borealis.

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Henri Honkonen

Head of Product Development

+358 50 345 7479

We opened the tendering for this entity and asked offers from several suppliers

tells Project Manager Kirsi Linnavuori from Borealis.

Challenging Conditions Set Special Requirements for the Emission Measurement System

The accuracy of gas analyzers is one of the most important parameters in well-designed, productive, and environmentally friendly emissions measurement. In addition to the accuracy of the analyzers, emission measurement systems are required to have long-term stability, long service life and in particular as little maintenance as possible.

The starting point for the design of Kontram OS-ATEX-CEMS – in addition to facilitating the work of the users of the emission measurement system – is the predictability of maintenance, quality assurance of results and enabling remote operation. Remote operation also allows you to assess whether you need to go to work at an ATEX location. The advanced Kontram OS-ATEX-CEMS emission measurement system has measurement data obtained from its sample processing unit. Trend information for all measurement parameters is available from Kontram OS-CEMS emission measurement systems, and predictive maintenance can be scheduled at just the right time, without losing measurement data. In this way, system downtimes can be effectively minimized.

A special challenge for the emission measurement system delivered to Borealis was the fact that the analyzers operate in presence of explosion hazards. The manufacturer of equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres is responsible for ensuring that the equipment meets the requirements of the ATEX directive. The ATEX equipment directive regulates the safety of equipment and protection systems in potentially explosive atmospheres.

“All in all, the delivery included six flue gas analyzers for continuous operation. One was purchased to analyze the flue gases of the hot oil furnace and in connection with that, also perform dust measurement. At the second facility, flue gases from cracking furnaces are measured, and five analyzers were purchased to analyze them. The project had special characteristics by the fact that analyzer protections approved for ATEX Zone 1 had to be built for the analyzers of both facilities, for which Kontram applied for ATEX Zone 1 approval. So, it was a question of quite a large entity”, says Project Manager Kirsi Linnavuori.

Close Cooperation Led to a Successful Outcome

In addition to top-quality equipment Kontram offers a comprehensive set of services when delivering emission measuring equipment. For example, project planning and documentation
includes the total measurement uncertainty calculation of the equipment required by the authorities, which verifies the suitability of the measurement system for the application. The emission measurement system is always tested, and a test protocol is included as part of the whole documentation of the emission measurement system. During commissioning the customer’s maintenance personnel receives training in the necessary system operation and maintenance.

“Cooperation with Kontram went very well throughout the whole planning and delivery process. Active and continuous mutual communication contributed to the successful implementation of the project. We had weekly project meetings with them and their technical support throughout the project was excellent. The commitment of their entire team to this delivery is an element that I would like to highlight as their strength”, sums up Project Manager Kirsi Linnavuori from Borealis.

Cooperation with Kontram went very well throughout the whole planning and delivery process

sums up Project Manager Kirsi Linnavuori from Borealis.

Borealis is one of the world’s leading providers of advanced and circular polyolefin solutions and a European market leader in base chemicals, fertilizers and the mechanical recycling of plastics. The company offers value-adding, innovative and circular material solutions for key industries. Borealis’ core strategy incorporates sustainability, supported by the company’s strong commitment to safety, people, innovation, and technology, to operational excellence.