We value all those involved in our business
We care about safety and value all those involved in our business. The foundation of our long-term success rests on doing business in a fair and ethical way. This is described in the Indutrade Group Code of Conduct, which we follow in all situations.
Indutrade’s reputation is built on integrity and good business practices. We strive to maintain a transparent business environment and a high standard of business ethics in accordance with both our and Indutrade Group’s Code of Conduct.
Kontram’s aim is to invest heavily in the wellbeing and development of our employees, because we believe that they are the most important factor in the success of our company. We focus on the long-term growth of our business by strengthening their leadership skills and expertise. Our intention is to build inclusive and productive teams in which each member plays a key role in achieving our shared success.
At Kontram, we want to be more than a workplace – we aim to be a community where people want to come and stay. We strive to create an inspiring, supportive and safe working environment that supports the growth and success of every employee. We constantly monitor the development of our work environment and employee satisfaction.

UN Global Compact
Through our ownership group (Indutrade), we are committed to the UN’s Global Compact. Indutrade signed the Global Compact on 28 March 2019 and reports its compliance to the UN annually. Kontram’s approach to sustainability is embedded in our strategy, and we ensure that it is also integrated in our day-to-day operational activities with customers.
We firmly believe that increasing business sustainability is the key to responsible growth, development and profitability – now and in the future.
Read Indutrade’s sustainability report here.
Read more about the UN’s sustainability principles here.

Whistleblowing – reporting code of conduct violations
If you wish to report misconduct you have observed that violates current legislation, ethics, morals or Indutrade policy, you can report your findings through the Group’s whistleblowing reporting system. All reports are received and investigated by WhistleB, a third party. The role of customers and employees is to report serious cases of suspected abuse that they have identified and which should be prevented or corrected. You don’t need proof of your suspicions, but all messages must be delivered with honesty.
Reports can be made at:
Indutrade has acquired this service from an external party, which is separate from our organisation’s IT environment. WhistleB ensures the anonymity of the reporter – the service does not track IP addresses or any other information that could identify the person who sent the message. Messages are encrypted and can only be decrypted by designated individuals. WhistleB cannot decrypt and read messages.

Corporate social responsibility
We know we have a responsibility to the world around us, which is why we actively support charities like Hope ry and Pieni kulkija (Little Walkers). Through these organisations, we’re participating in the shared effort to create a better future for those who need our help and support.
For every response to our customer satisfaction survey, we donate 5 € to support the important work of Hope – Yhdessä ja Yhteisesti ry. We also earmark our annual Christmas donation to support important social causes.