Pioneer of automation and
measuring techniques

Kontram is a reliable partner of Finnish industry. We enhance industrial processes with high-quality and sustainable solutions. Our specialized expertise covers valves, process automation, electrical components, and diverse measurement needs.


Kontram is a leading supplier of high quality industrial and environmental technology. We deliver reliable and innovative systems and services for our industrial customers around the world. Our biggest customers work in the field of Pulp and Paper, Chemichal, Oil refining, Mining and Energy.


Power Plants

We offer solutions for both traditional and green transition energy production.

Liikenteen sähköistyminen


We provide solutions for the product development and testing of machinery for electric power lines, as well as for the safe management of high currents and energy-efficient motion control applications.


Forest Industry

We offer high-quality and reliable solutions to companies in the forest industry for process optimization, improving production efficiency, and reducing environmental impact.

Vety ja uusiutuvat energialähteet

Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Sources

We offer solutions to support renewable energy, with systems designed to ensure grid stability and affordable electricity availability during fluctuations in production methods.

Akku-, kaivos- ja terästeollisuus

Battery, Mining, and Steel Industry

We offer solutions for the treatment of water and chemicals in the battery and mining industry, as well as for demanding applications in production.

Konepajateollisuus ja laitevalmistajat

Mechanical Engineering and Equipment Manufacturers

We offer machine shops a comprehensive product range based on our own design work and project activities, ranging from simple components to integrated solutions.


Chemical Industry

We offer solutions for chemical manufacturers with a versatile product range that provides productivity, durability, reliability, and stability for continuous processes, as well as versatile flexibility for batch processes.

Other industry

Kontram Oversight™ – Industrial real time monitoring solutions

Kontram OverSight™ is digital Edge-IIoT-platform developed by Kontram Oy to build measurement, control, and monitoring solutions. Our Edge Computing technology unleashes the full potential of the data from your assets the way that wasn’t possible before. Kontram OverSight™ can be the solution for measurements and control as well as monitor the performance and health of your assets.


Intelligent Emission Measurement System Is Backing Up the Goals of Sustainable Development

The environmental permits of production facilities define measurement obligations regarding emissions such as smoke and exhaust gases and regarding monitoring. Borealis’ environmental permit decision defined the obligations to analyze the flue gases of continuous operation for the process furnaces of certain production processes of the company, and the procurement of emission measurement systems began to be prepared in 2020.

In partnership