Total Energy Measurement Service
OverSight™-Energy –
Total Energy Measurement Service
OverSight™-Energy is a SaaS software service developed by Kontram Oy, designed for demanding energy monitoring needs. Our service provides accurate information and analytics on energy use and can be used to develop operations to be low-carbon and energy-efficient. It can also monitor energy consumption at the substation level, making consumption and cost allocation by production factors and products accurate and reliable.
Automated Software Service Brings Many Benefits to the User
With the help of accurate and real-time consumption and cost information, pricing can be made more certain and competitive, and the energy efficiency of processes can be developed based on reliable and objective information. Investment decisions are easier when investment calculations are refined with the right measurement results. With the help of the OverSight™-Energy software service, operations can be resource-efficient, developed and risks managed.
Benefits of the Service
- Developing operations to be more carbon-neutral based on reliable measurement results
- Making the right investment decisions
- Increasing competitiveness
- Reliable formulas and accurate analyses to support data-driven management and decision-making
- Monitoring energy consumption at the desired frequency (s, min, h)
- Proactively detecting faults leading to production interruptions
- Real-time monitoring of limit values and detection of deviations
- Monitoring network disturbance and consumption information, allowing access to equipment condition information, for example through changes in power consumption.
- Detecting cable faults before damage occurs
- Saving staff time when meter readings are collected and analyzed digitally
- Combining electricity price information and production equipment operating information
- Integrating energy consumption information into different systems
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Implementation of the Service
In the implementation of OverSight™-Energy, we use very high-quality energy meters, an efficient industrial computer, real-time edge computing, and the OverSight™-Energy SaaS software. The industrial PC collects, processes, and analyzes data from energy meters and sends the analyzed data to the OverSight™-Energy SaaS service. The data and analyses are available to users in real-time.

Commissioning and Maintenance
The commissioning of the service is fast and cost-effective. The ease and effortlessness of commissioning bring scalability to future needs as well. We want to increase error-free operational reliability with our service, which is why we use modern and high-quality technology in our implementation. In a smart and uniform entity, the equipment that is set up can be easily maintained and monitored for their state. Resources are freed up for tasks that cannot be automated.